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Winter Solstice 2024 Everything You Need To Know

Winter Solstice 2024: Everything You Need to Know

When and where will it occur?

The winter solstice, which marks the astronomical start of winter, will occur on Saturday, December 21, 2024. In the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice occurs between December 20 and 23. In 2024, it will occur on December 21 at 9:21 UTC (4:21 AM Eastern Time).

What is the winter solstice?

The winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. It occurs when the Earth's axis tilts away from the Sun to its maximum extent. As a result, the Sun appears to be at its lowest point in the sky. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice marks the beginning of winter and the return of longer days.

How is the winter solstice celebrated?

Around the world, the winter solstice has been celebrated for centuries with festivals and rituals. Many cultures mark the solstice as a time of renewal and rebirth, as the days begin to get longer and the Sun returns to the sky. Some common traditions include gathering with family and friends, lighting candles, and sharing stories.
