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Few Things Are Impossible To Diligence And Skill

Procrastination: The Enemy of Success

"Few things are impossible to diligence and skill."

In this quote, Samuel Johnson succinctly captures the essence of the perils of delay and the potential downfall of procrastination. By emphasizing the importance of diligence and skill, Johnson suggests that with these qualities, most tasks can be accomplished, regardless of their difficulty.

"Some desire is necessary to keep life in motion."

Johnson also highlights the importance of motivation and desire in driving action. He suggests that without a strong desire, it is difficult to maintain momentum and achieve goals. Procrastination often stems from a lack of desire or motivation, which leads to the cycle of delay and missed opportunities.

"To keep your secret is wisdom but to expect others to keep it is folly."

In this quote, Johnson cautions against the folly of relying on others to keep our secrets. He suggests that keeping our own secrets is wise, but expecting others to do so is foolish. This applies to tasks as well as personal matters. Procrastinating often involves expecting others to complete tasks for us or cover up our mistakes, which can lead to disappointment and failure.


Samuel Johnson's quotes on procrastination serve as a timeless reminder of the dangers of delay and the importance of action. By emphasizing the value of diligence, skill, desire, and secrecy, Johnson provides a roadmap to overcoming procrastination and achieving success. His words challenge us to take action, to pursue our goals with determination, and to avoid the pitfalls of complacency. In the words of Johnson himself, "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill."
